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Fiberglass Mobile Platform Ladder

Fiberglass Mobile Platform Ladder

It is made of insulating material that is immune to corrosion. Mobile platform ladders are the main option for maintenance work on the electrical system in harsh environments such as substations.

Reference Description
PA0210150Fiberglass Mobile Platform Ladder, with 420mm up to the platform and 1620mm in total – 01 step
PA0210151Fiberglass Mobile Platform Ladder, with 630mm up to the platform and 1830mm in total – 02 steps
PA0210172Fiberglass Mobile Platform Ladder, with 840mm up to the platform and 2040mm in total – 03 steps
PA0210152Fiberglass Mobile Platform Ladder, with 1050mm up to the platform and 2250mm in total – 04 steps
PA0210169 Fiberglass Mobile Platform Ladder, with 1260mm up to the platform and 2460mm in total – 05 steps
PA0210153Fiberglass Mobile Platform Ladder, with 1470mm up to the platform and 2670mm in total – 06 steps
PA0210171Fiberglass Mobile Platform Ladder, with 1680mm up to the platform and 2880mm in total – 07 steps
PA0210154Fiberglass Mobile Platform Ladder, with 1890mm up to the platform and 3090mm in total – 08 steps
PA0210179Fiberglass Mobile Platform Ladder, with 2100mm up to the platform and 3300mm in total – 09 steps
PA0210155Fiberglass Mobile Platform Ladder, with 2310mm up to the platform and 3510mm in total – 10 steps
PA0210180Fiberglass Mobile Platform Ladder, with 2520mm up to the platform and 3720mm in total – 11 steps
PA0210163Fiberglass Mobile Platform Ladder, with 2730mm up to the platform and 3930mm in total – 12 steps
PA0210181Fiberglass Mobile Platform Ladder, with 2940mm up to the platform and 4140mm in total – 13 steps
PA0210182Fiberglass Mobile Platform Ladder, with 3150mm up to the platform and 4350mm in total – 14 steps
Reference Height up to platform
Overall height
Overall opening
of Steps
Approx. Weight (Kg)
PA02101504201620 848129.10

Fiberglass Mobile Platform Ladder

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